Course introduction

elementary school
We provide thorough instruction from the basics, focusing on preparation and review at school. In addition, the content of the instruction is tailored to each individual's pace, and they will carefully guide you through the parts you don't understand. I will continue to work on overcoming my weaknesses. It is important to develop study habits in elementary school.
*1 Elementary school only provides individual instruction.
*2 In the case of referrals, half price will be given.
*3 Sibling discounts are also available. Miscellaneous expenses and text fees will be charged separately. Please contact us for details.

Junior high school
When children become middle school students, in addition to studying, they also face mental worries such as club activities, friends, and relationships between parents and children, which increase as children grow older. In addition to learning, our instructors will kindly consult with students about such concerns and provide guidance in an environment where students can move forward with their learning. We also provide guidance according to the progress of each school. Be sure to grasp the main points, overcome your weaknesses, and prepare for entrance exams.
*4 Guidance will be provided at each school before the regular test. We hold classes tailored to each junior high school.
*5 In the case of referrals, half price will be given.
*6 Miscellaneous expenses and textbook fees will be charged separately. Please contact us for details.
*7 Before the regular test, you will also take science and social studies.
You can receive supplementary lessons and test preparation at no additional cost!
Individual instruction is also available for subjects you are weak at! (2,500 yen <tax not included>/60 minutes)

high school club
In high school, the learning content becomes even more difficult. We provide thorough guidance on school preparation and review, advice on future career choices, and ``pass the university!'' ” I will guide you until. Let's reevaluate everything from the learning environment to the learning methods.
*8 In the case of referrals, half price will be given.
*9 Sibling discounts are also available. Miscellaneous expenses and text fees will be charged separately. Please contact us for details.

*10 Special training classes will be held approximately one month before the exam. Participation is free.